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Finding a Center in Strange Times: A Study of Devotional Classics

Finding a Center in Strange Times A Study of Devotional Classics.png

These are stressful times. As we all do our part to flatten the curve of COIVD-19, many of us are struggling with our new lack of routine. Our ordinary working and socializing lives are thrown off-kilter.

But periods of silence and isolation have long been understood as schools for the spiritual life. A person who is stuck at home—as many of us are now—is in a great position to read, pray, and meditate. And we’d like to do these things together as a community, even if we are physically far apart from each other.

To that end, for the next four weeks, or until the city goes back to some measure of normalcy, we’d like to meet by Zoom Wednesday evenings, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm to discuss one excerpt from Richard Foster’s Devotional Classics each week.

When you register we’ll send a pdf of the first, short reading directly to your email inbox. A small care package, including a copy of the book, will be close behind.

We hope you’ll join us for this series. It begins this Wednesday, March 25th, so register now!